When customizing your launch pad acceleration approach, which of the following possible acceleration methods should you NOT use?
- Kickstart
- Wise investor
- All hands on deck
- 80/20
- Launch and expand
Explanation: The correct answer is ‘All hands on deck.’ This option suggests involving all available resources simultaneously to accelerate the launch pad process. While it may seem intuitive to engage everyone for a faster outcome, this approach can lead to inefficiencies, miscommunication, and even burnout. Launching a website, especially using Growth-Driven Design (GDD) principles, requires strategic planning, focused effort, and the allocation of resources according to specific needs and expertise. ‘All hands on deck’ implies a blanket deployment of resources without considering individual roles, responsibilities, or areas of expertise. It could result in duplication of effort, conflicting strategies, and an overall lack of cohesion in the project execution. Instead, a more effective approach involves customizing the acceleration method based on the unique requirements of the project, leveraging techniques like the 80/20 principle, wise investment of resources, and strategic prioritization to achieve a swift and successful launch.