True or false? You can set a workflow goal on the main workflows dashboard.
- True
- False
Explanation: False. You cannot set a workflow goal on the main workflows dashboard in HubSpot. While the main workflows dashboard provides an overview of all your workflows and their performance metrics, such as enrollment, completion, and conversion rates, it does not offer functionality to directly set workflow goals. Workflow goals are specific criteria or conditions that determine when a contact is considered to have successfully completed a workflow, such as reaching a certain stage in the buyer’s journey, taking a specific action, or meeting predefined criteria. These goals are typically set within the individual workflow settings, allowing users to define the desired outcome or conversion event for each workflow. By setting goals, users can track and measure the effectiveness of their workflows in achieving specific objectives, such as lead nurturing, customer onboarding, or sales pipeline acceleration. Therefore, the correct answer is false, as you cannot set a workflow goal on the main workflows dashboard; instead, goals are established within the settings of each individual workflow.