Phil Runs A Local Plumbing Business. He Has A Website But It Isn’t Mobile-Optimised. He’s Deciding Whether To Make His Site Responsive Or Create A Customised App. Help Him To Decide Which Route To Take First.
- (1) Create a customised App
- (2) Make his website responsive
Phil should make his website responsive first. Here’s why:
- Cost. Creating a customised app can be expensive and time-consuming. Making his website responsive is a more cost-effective solution.
- Accessibility. A responsive website can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection and a web browser, regardless of the device they are using. An app would require users to download and install it on their device.
- Maintenance. Maintaining a responsive website is easier than maintaining an app. With a responsive website, Phil only needs to update one version of his site. With an app, he would need to update multiple versions for different platforms.
Once Phil has made his website responsive, he can consider creating a customised app if he feels that it would add value to his business.