Maria Has A Pet Shop In Bristol, And Is Writing Fun Blog Posts About Pets On Her Website, Which Are Also Being Promoted On Her Social Media Accounts. Her Goal Is To Try And Increase Product Sales Through Content Marketing Efforts. Which Metric Is The Most Relevant In Assessing Which Blog Posts Are Contributing To Increased Product Sales?
- (A) How long users spend on each blog post
- (B) Which websites are referring traffic to her blog
- (C) The number of new subscribers to her email marketing list
- (D) How many people click the “Buy Now” CTA at the end of each blog post
If Maria wants to increase product sales through content marketing efforts, it’s important that she tracks the right metrics. In this case, the most relevant metric for assessing which blog posts are contributing to increased product sales is D: how many people click the “Buy Now” CTA at the end of each blog post. This metric will help Maria understand which blog posts are most effective at driving sales and which ones may need to be revised or updated.