Eric Is Working On His Website, Which Sells Produce From His Farm. He’s Thinking Of Different Ways To Improve His Website So That It Appears On More Search Engine Results And Gets More Traffic. Which Of These Ideas Will Help Improve His Search Visibility?
- (A) Write recipes that use vegetables that he sells
- (B) Get lots of likes or followers on social media
- (C) Encourage others to write about his website
- (D) Add lots of links to the website
This is because writing recipes that use the vegetables he sells can help attract more qualified traffic to his site by targeting long tail keywords and providing valuable content that people are searching for. By creating high-quality content that matches what people are searching for, Eric can improve his website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract more organic traffic to his site.
While getting lots of likes or followers on social media and encouraging others to write about his website can also help improve Eric’s search visibility indirectly, they are not as effective as creating high-quality content that matches what people are searching for. Similarly, adding lots of links to the website can actually hurt Eric’s search visibility if those links are low-quality or spammy. By focusing on creating high-quality content that matches what people are searching for, Eric can improve his website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract more organic traffic to his site.