DoubleClick Campaign Manager Fundamentals Exam AnswersDCM Academy is an easy-to-use, self-paced learning path designed to guide DoubleClick Campaign Manager users by role through core Help Center articles and online training material.DCM Academy is for ad traffickers, analysts, and media planners – guiding them through curated help content and online training, so that you can learn and master DoubleClick Campaign Manager based on how you use the product.DCM Academy covers:
- Basic information for new users: Just getting started? With the DCM
- Fundamentals eLearning and Certification, this is your first step toward mastering DoubleClick Campaign Manager.
- Implementation guide: Learn how to structure your new account or advertiser.
- QA and troubleshooting: Find out how to address and resolve common issues.
- Advanced topics: Learn about advanced tracking, Google Tag Manager integration, and more.
- Rich Media: Get tips and best practices for trafficking DoubleClick Rich Media in your DoubleClick Campaign Manager account.
Ad Serving
One benefit of using DCM is that traffickers can manage creative assets in one centralized system.
- A) True
- B) False
Ad Serving
One benefit of using DCM is that traffickers can change creatives rotations without needing to re-send ad tags.
- A) True
- B) False
Ad Serving
What trafficking step is required to make ad tags available for download?
- A) A backup .gif or .jpg needs to be assigned to the placement
- B) A default ad needs to be assigned to the placement
- C) A publisher needs to login in and approve the ad tags
- D) A trafficker needs to verify the creative click-through functionality
Ad Serving
Standard ad tags can only serve one creative type. What type?
- A) Image files
- B) Flash files
- C) Rich Media files
- D) Interstitials
Ad Serving
Which of the following would require sending ad tags to a publisher?
- A) Adding another creative to an ad’s rotation after the campaign has gone live
- B) Changing the click-through URL of a creative after the campaign has gone live
- C) Creating a new placement after the campaign has gone live
- D) Changing the end date of an ad after the campaign has gone live
Which creative file types CANNOT be uploaded via batch upload?
- A) Image files (.gifs or .jpgs)
- B) Flash files (.swfs)
- C) HTML5 files (.adz)
- D) DoubleClick Rich Media files
Under which of the following circumstances would a backup image serve?
- A) The user’s browser is not Flash enabled
- B) The user does not qualify for any other ads due to targeting restrictions
- C) The campaign has reached its end date
- D) The impression cap has been reached for the ad
In a batch upload, DCM will match the correct backup Images with each .swf as long as they follow the same naming convention.
- A) True
- B) False
Creatives uploaded at the campaign level are automatically added to the advertiser-level Creative Library.
- A) True
- B) False
Which two files are required to save a Flash In-Page creative?
- A) The .swf and a default ad
- B) The DoubleClick Rich Media file and it’s backup .gif
- C) The .swf and its backup .gif or .jpg
- D) The .swf and the Flash file
How are default ads created?
- A) Automatically, as soon as a trafficker adds an image creative at the campaign level
- B) Automatically, as soon as a trafficker adds an image creative at the advertiser level
- C) Automatically, as soon as the creative batch uploader matches the .gif or .jpg with the swf at any level
- D) Manually, as soon as a trafficker matches the the .gif or .jpg with the swf at the campaign level
Under which of the following circumstances would a default ad serve?
- A) An ad’s end date has passed (with ‘Hard Cutoff’ checked), and no other ads are active
- B) The user falls outside of the targeted region of any ads assigned to a placement
- C) The user doesn’t have the most updated version of Flash
- D) A or B
The ad start date specifies when the ad will start serving.
- A) True
- B) False
From top to bottom, the hierarchy in DCM is as follows:
- A) Account, Advertiser, Campaign, Ads
- B) Campaign, Account, Advertiser, Ads
- C) Campaign, Advertiser, Ads, Account
- D) Ads, Campaign, Advertiser, Account
How do you ensure that your ads stops serving on a given date?
- A) Choose “hard cut-off” when creating your ads
- B) Choose the same end date at both the placement and ad level
- C) Set a frequency cap when creating your ads
- D) Enable ‘cap costs’ at the placement level to stop the tag from serving all ads
Assigning creatives to placements directly from the Assignments button will automatically create ads.
- A) True
- B) False
Adding media cost information at the placement level will allow you to report on media cost in DCM.
- A) True
- B) False
A minimum delivery percentage is required when using the “Optimized” creative rotation method.
- A) True
- B) False
Which ad property ensures a user only sees your ad a certain number of times within a given timeframe.
- A) Impression ratio
- B) Frequency cap
- C) Best performing
- D) Hard cut-off
Which of the following can you edit directly in the trafficking workflow?
- A) Lookback window
- B) Placement start and end dates
- C) Geo-targeting
- D) Campaign start and end dates
What determines the number of default ads required for a campaign?
- A) The number of publishers
- B) The number of placement sizes
- C) The number of geographic regions
- D) The number of creatives
Placements sold as a group that will serve together on one page are known as:
- A) Hurdle
- B) Roadblock
- C) Package
- D) Batch
Which creatives rotation method would cause DCM to optimize the rotation based on conversion activity?
- A) Custom
- B) Sequential
- C) Optimized
- D) Click-Through Rate
Which creative rotation method would cause DCM to optimize the rotation based on conversion activity?
- A) Custom
- B) Sequential
- C) Optimized
- D) Click-Through Rate
Which of these formats is NOT a placement compatibility?
- A) In-page
- B) In-app
- C) Rich Media
- D) In-Stream video
Which creatives are compatible with an in-app compatibility type?
- A) Flash
- B) Flash & Image
- C) Images
- D) Images & HTML5
Best Practices
To prevent duplication of sites, where is the last place to search for a site when creating a placement?
- A) Site Directory
- B) Publisher Directory
- C) Campaign
- D) Current account
Best Practices
When geo-targeting an ad, what setting should be adjusted to ensure that users who qualify always receive the geo-targeted ad?
- A) Nothing, DCM will automatically select the most geographically specific ad for each user
- B) Nothing, DCM does not support geo-targeting
- C) Increase the impression ratio of the geo-targeted ad, so DCM will automatically serve it at a higher rate
- D) Increase the priority of the geo-targeted ad, so DCM will automatically try to serve it for anyone who qualifies
You use the Verification tab in DCM Reporting to see what types of content your ads served against.
- A) True
- B) False
Attributed interaction and the first interaction are the same.
- A) True
- B) False
All impression data is automatically available to be broken out by geography in DCM Reporting.
- A) True
- B) False
Path Length reports show how many conversions and how much revenue were generated by users who viewed or clicked on your ads a given number of times.
- A) True
- B) False
A Standard report in DCM Reporting includes all of the following except:
- A) Impressions
- B) Reach
- C) Clicks
- D) Conversions
Reach reports provide:
- A) Clicks
- B) Conversion rate
- C) Number of unique users your campaigns reached over a period of time
- D) Total impressions served by your campaign over time
Conversion Tracking
How does a Unique Floodlight Counter tag count conversion activities?
- A) A user is only counted once per day
- B) A user is only counted once per session
- C) A user is only counted once per 48 hours
- D) A user is only counted once per lookback window
Conversion Tracking
Floodlight tags that have Dynamic Tags enabled will allow DCM to dynamically serve publisher tags
- A) True
- B) False
Conversion Tracking
Custom Floodlight variables are entered on the Floodlight Activities tab.
- A) True
- B) False
Conversion Tracking
How does DCM track conversion activities on an advertiser’s site?
- A) Floodlight tags
- B) Remarketing tags
- C) Ad tags
- D) 1×1 impression trackers
Conversion Tracking
Tags placed in the ‘Publisher’ section of the Dynamic Tags field will fire under what conditions?
- A) Every time the publisher is paying a Dynamic CPM
- B) Every time the last click or impression comes from that publisher
- C) Every time the Floodlight tag fires
- D) Every time a conversion occurs
Conversion Tracking
Under which of the following conditions will tags placed in the ‘Default’ section of the Dynamic Tags field fire?
- A) Every time the publisher is paying a Dynamic CPM
- B) Every time the publisher gets credit for generating the post-click conversion
- C) Every time the Floodlight tag fires
- D) Every time a conversion occurs
Conversion Tracking
Custom Floodlight variables are a requirement.
- A) True
- B) False
Click Trackers
You use click trackers to track impression.
- A) True
- B) False
Click Trackers
Which of the following would successfully change the destination URL of a static click tracker?
- A) Updating the landing page in the static click tracker ad and resending the tag
- B) Updating the landing page and green-lighting the ad
- C) Updating the code in the tags tab
- D) Updating the URL in the campaign Properties
Click Trackers
You use click trackers to track impressions.
- A) True
- B) False
Click Trackers
Which of the following would successfully change the destination URL of a dynamic click tracker?
- A) Updating the landing page on the publisher page
- B) Updating the code in the tags
- C) Updating the URL in the “creative’s properties”
- D) Updating the landing page in the dynamic click tracker ad and click “Save”
Which creatives are compatible with a Display compatibility type?
A) Rich Media peel-down
B) Image & HTML5
C) Custom Intersitial
D) In-stream video