Colin Is Getting A Lot Of Traffic To His Podcast Website, But Not Many Subscribers. He Has Budget To Design Three Display Ads To Encourage People Back To His Website To Subscribe. Colin Came Up With A List Of Target Groups That He’d Like Reach With His Ads. Help Him To Cross Off The Two Least Useful Target Groups From His List.
- (A) People who visit his site
- (B) People who search for TV-related podcasts
- (C) People who have started (but not finished) the subscription process
- (D) People who download his e-catalogue
- (E) Commentators on film forums
Colin is getting a lot of traffic to his podcast website but not many subscribers. He has budget to design three display ads to encourage people back to his website to subscribe. Colin came up with a list of target groups that he’d like reach with his ads. Here are the two least useful target groups that he can cross off from his list.