What is Google’s DSP?
- DoubleClick Ad Exchange
- DoubleClick Campaign Manager
- DoubleClick DSP
- DoubleClick Bid Manager
Home » Platforms - 2018 Smart Assessment Answers - Academy of Ads
Platforms - 2018 Smart Assessment Answers - Academy of Ads
Stay up to speed on the latest platforms products and trends from Google. Learn about Google's offerings in the ad-tech space and how our integrated technology can help you achieve your marketing goals.
What is Google’s DSP?
What’s another term for the publisher side of media transactions?
Which one of these companies offers a competitor to DoubleClick Search?
A publisher’s most valuable asset is the audience it has access to.
A publisher ad server allows publishers to conduct which of following activities?
DoubleClick’s sell-side solutions benefit from being integrated with the buy-side solutions.