True or False? Bar/Line Charts cannot show negative values.
- A) True
- B) False
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Klipfolio Expert Certification Exam Answers
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Klipfolio certifications are available in Klipfolio academy .
DATE — = — Used to convert a human readable date string (2015/01/01), into a computer readable date string known as Epoch or Unix time. CorrectDATE — = — Used to convert a human readable date string (2015/01/01), into a computer readable date string known as Epoch or Unix time. CorrectDATEVALUE — = — Used to convert an Epoch or Unix date/time (computer readable date string) into a human readable date string (2015/01/01). CorrectDATE_IN — = — Used to find dates that fall within a given time period, like day, week, month, quarter, year. CorrectDATE_ADD — = — Used to add or subtract a certain number of units (seconds, minutes, days, etc.) to a given date in order to arrive at a different date. CorrectDATE_CONVERT — = — Used to change the format of one human readable date string (2015/01/01) to another human readable date string (Jan 1, 2015), often for the purposes of sorting. CorrectDATE_STARTOF — = — Returns the first date of a given date period, like week, month, quarter, year.
True or False? Bar/Line Charts cannot show negative values.
Josh wants to show websites and time on website in a table. He wants to set time on website metric to format as duration (hh:mm:ss). What should be the format of his raw input data?
Abdul has built a pie chart Klip which shows the number of sessions per Google Analytics channel. He wants to only show the channels which have more than 100 sessions in the pie chart. Abdul can achieve this using filter actions as follows: select the filter option for the values component of the pie chart; if a group action is applied to the labels, make sure the values have the correction aggregation method; set a condition filter to select values that are greater than 100 and check to see that the values in view option is selected.
If you want to change the data in a Klip based on a variable then the variable needs to be in which parameter of the SWITCH function?
You can have multiple components in a single Klips.
True or False? Only Admin Users in Klipfolio can create variables?