True or false: Product Listing Ads use Merchant Center product data to decide how and where to show ads.
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True or false: Product Listing Ads use Merchant Center product data to decide how and where to show ads.
If you choose a target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) of £15, AdWords will automatically adjust your bids to try to get as many conversions at what amount, on average?
An advertiser who uses ad scheduling has a custom bid adjustment for 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. on weeknights. The normal bid is £0.40 and the bid multiplier is -25%. How much is the advertiser bidding for that time period?
Data shows that your client’s ad that appears to people in San Francisco gets 120 conversions at a cost of £1200 and cost-per-acquisition (CPA) of £10, while ads showing in Houston get 70 conversions at a cost of £1400 and CPA of £20. If you have a CPA goal of £12, what bid adjustment would you set for each location?
+40% for San Francisco, -40% for Houston
+40% for San Francisco, -20% for Houston
+20% for San Francisco, -20% for Houston
+20% for San Francisco, -40% for Houston
Each of these are benefits you’d expect from Product Listing Ads except:
better-qualified leads
more traffic and leads
ease of targeting without needing keywords
free listings
Explanation: If you’re a retailer, you can use Shopping campaigns to promote your online and local inventory, boost traffic to your website or local store, and find better qualified leads.
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You have a maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) bid of £2 for a keyword. To determine the prospective impact of raising this bid to £3, you could use:
Bid Simulator
Portfolio Simulator
CPC Simulator
Keyword Simulator
Explanation: The regular Bid Simulators show you how changes to your max. CPC bid might change the cost or the number of clicks, impressions, conversions, and conversion value your ads would have received for your keyword or ad group. You can find them on the Ad groups and Keywords tabs.
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