You want to be notified whenever weekly revenue for your “spring sale” campaign increases or decreases by 10%. Which of the following would be most useful?
- A) Annotations
- B) Secondary Dimensions
- C) Real-Time
- D) Intelligence Alerts
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You want to be notified whenever weekly revenue for your “spring sale” campaign increases or decreases by 10%. Which of the following would be most useful?
Which of the following are true about segmentation?
You’ve noticed that many users visit your site several times before converting and you want to understand in more detail how they arrive at your site. Which of the following metrics would be most helpful in showing you whether a keyword is part of a conversion path?
A) Visits
B) Bounce Rate
C) Clicks
D) Impressions
E) Assisted Conversions
Your company has a website and a mobile app, and you want to track each separately in Google Analytics. How should you structure your account(s)?
What is the first step of analytics planning?
Person A and person B each visit your commerce site once. During her visit, person A buys one of your products. Then, before leaving the site, she makes another purchase. Person B buys nothing. What is your ecommerce conversion rate for these two visits?
E) 100%